Monday, April 25, 2011

Selling sex in a bottle - Perfume ads for SS2011- Thoughts

It always amazes me how so many brands choose to so blatantly use sex to promote their scents. It makes me wonder why. Surely it shouldn't be too hard to sell perfume by putting a pretty face to it?! Why is it that the scent is so often linked to sexuality? It's like the ads are screaming: "use me and you will get sex, lots of it!" or is it more like: "once you use me, all you'd want to do is have sex"?

Anyway, whatever it is that drives the brands to put that spin on it, it must work because they keep doing it season after season. 

What I also find interesting is that the concept is the same but the spin is sooo different! 

Lets consider the following examples:

1. Natalie Portman for Miss Dior
"oh look at me, i'm so innocent and virginal and girlie… but I am nakeeeed" 

Tasteful, feminine and has just the tinge of sexiness so as to not make it vulgar. I like it. 

2. Scarlett Johansson for D&G The One
"I am irresistibly sexy and you couldn't say 'no' even if you really wanted to. Sorry, I guess I was just born that way…"  

Amp up the volume from our first example to end up balancing on the edge of sultry and blatant sex. Still the ad is not at all vulgar but it is very much a statement. Everything makes a not-so-subtle hint on sex - the eyes, the open mouth, the red lipstick, the bustier that she is wearing. Poor Scarlett is just sitting there waiting for someone to come sweep her of her feet, carry her to the bed and make sweet love.

3. Gucci Guilty 

A bold, sweaty statement. "Good looking people use this scent and have amazing sex - you too could be good looking and have amazing sex if you use this scent. Come what are you waiting for?!"

Yet again, take it up a notch from our Scarlett example by introducing a second variable to the equation - a good looking Italian man. Mais biensur! This is a bold, shameless, slightly voyeuristic ad which works because the brand in question is Gucci. Gucci has always been a sensual Italian brand so in this case it almost makes sense. I mean why wouldn't you if you can?

4. Megan Fox for Armani Code

Apart from my personal dislike of Megan's look, this ad is for those of who are a bit thick and don't get hints and subtleties. Just put it out there - "we just had sex and it felt sooo good" (they really should've used The Lonely Island song as a soundtrack - if you don't know what I am talking about YouTube "The Lonely Island" it really is hilarious). This ad I would definitely classify as vulgar in my books. I'm not entirely sure what makes it vulgar but I guess it's a bit of everything - the overly sexual look on Megan's face, the fringe that doesn't suit her one bit, her tattoos, the naked man in the background. I think Megan is great for selling things to men - she is a sexbomb and it's a fact. But when it comes to selling to women the previous Armani Code ad was, in my humble opinion, much more tasteful and effective.  

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