We all love Tiffany & Co. We not only love it because of Breakfast at Tiffany's or the statement blue box but because the jewellery is actually great. Tiffany & Co has something for everyone - if you don't have enough money to buy the gold Paloma Picasso necklace, you can get hooked by buying a keyring. Buy something cheap now so you feel like you are 'in' and then come back when you have the money - marketing genius really.
Anyhow, this particular post is about the new ad for Tiffany engagement rings. It is perfect. So sweet. So sweet that it in fact looks too perfect and too sweet. In effect, there is nothing wrong with this ad - a perfect New Yorker couple (NB I appreciated the attempt not to pick Barbie & Ken so as to make it more 'real'), getting married in Central Park with the closest family and friends.
Firstly the concept. We all know that Tiffany is a quintessential New York brand. It has been in a hella lotta movies, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Sex And The City being the obvious ones. We already know that Park Avenue, 5th Avenue and Tiffany's is the holly trinity of the Upper East Side. We have been told the same thing since 1837. It's tradition, it's values, it's solid. Don't think it's time to tell us something we don't already know??? I mean, is it just me who is not appreciating the cheesiness of this ad? I mean, the yellow cab? Since when do brides get into yellow cabs? And why are people throwing confetti at them when they are coming out from under an arch in Central Park? And why is it that all guests are male in the third picture?
I'm pretty sure that Tiffany already has a strong following amongst the Park Avenue ladies. It seems strange that they wouldn't want to modernise it a little and tap into a slightly different market. That is all.